By Juha K on Sunday, 14 January 2018
Category: General Instructios

Delete Cloud Data

From version 2018.01.0 you can delete all data from the cloud in case you don't want to use TheocBase Cloud anymore or the data is corrupted somehow and you want to synchronize your data to clean cloud account.

Deleting Cloud Data

Go to ​Settings​ and click on the ​Delete Cloud Data​ button.

You are asked to confirm the deletion and if you really want to do it, click Yes.

(Remember always to take a backup before deleting the data)

Synchronize again or Log out

Next you asked to ​Synchronize ​or ​Log out.

​If you want to synchronize your local data again to the cloud account that has been cleaned, click ​Synchronize.

If you want to stop using TheocBase Cloud for now or permanently, click ​Log out.

After deleting the cloud data in from one device an popup is shown in other devices informing of the deleted cloud data.

Later use and account deletion

You can always start using TheocBase Cloud again inserting your account info again and synchronizing data to the cloud.

If you want to delete your current account permanently, it is possible by sending an email to ​support(at) . ​In the email you have to send the email used when creating the account and the username you chose when registering.

Later we will add an function to the website where you can delete the account by your self.